Sells More Homes Greenlake Litter Patrol
As part of our commitment to a cleaner and greener Seattle I created the Greenlake Litter Patrol in July of 2011. Since then our patrollers have been walking Greenlake year around, picking up a lot of litter.
Please team up with us, we supply all the tools and litter disposal. We need your help to keep Greenlake green and litter free so please check out our calendar and sign up sheet.
If you live in another community that needs a Litter Patrol please contact me as I would like to organize other Litter Patrols in the Seattle area. If we team up we can create and maintain a cleaner and litter free environment for ourselves, our children, our pets and wildlife.
G. Todd Young
Designated Broker/Owner – Sells More Homes
206-719-1327 – [email protected]
The Greenlake area is a haven for many types of wildlife, ducks, cormorants, loons, herons, geese, turtles, raccoons, rats, squirrels, bats, hawks, eagles, and even osprey.
Many species of fish live in Green Lake. Trout, mainly rainbow trout, are stocked for recreational fishing. The lake also contains largemouth bass, yellow perch, bluegill, yellow bullhead, channel catfish, and small populations of many different unexpected species. The park is also home to many species of mammals as well as a few reptile and amphibian species. Most notable species include Western Coyotes, Feral Rabbits, Barred Owls, and Red Eared Sliders (released turtles).
The most Common Bird Species are American Crow, American Goldfinch, American Robin, Anna’s Hummingbird, Bald Eagle, Barn Owl, Barred Owl, Bewick’s Wren, Black-Capped Chickadee, Bushtit European Starling, House Finch, Hairy/Downy Woodpeckers, Northern Flicker, Oregon Junco, Eurasian Rock Dove, Spotted Towee, Stellar’s Jay, Various Gull Species, Various Sparrow Species, Various Swallow Species, and Various Waterfowl.
Most Common Mammal Species are Western Coyote, Nutria, Feral Rabbits, Norway Rats, Gray Squirrel, Mt. Beaver, and American Beaver.
The most Common Reptile and Amphibian Species are Red Eared Sliders, Spring Peepers and Garter snakes and other small animals.