Green Lake Litter Patrol 5-26-13

It was a rainy start for Green Lake Litter Patrol on Memorial Day weekend but out spirits were not dampened. A solid crew of 10 showed up for a very productive work party. We all picked up a bag full of what I call “micro litter”. My rant for the week was finding a dozen or more cigarette butts in the children’s play area under the jungle gyms & swings. Kind of disheartening to think about small children crawling around on nasty cigarette butts. We are so proud that all in all the park looks and feels so much cleaner than it did a year ago. Thanks to all the patrollers that have devoted so much hard work for the betterment of Green Lake Park. Cheers..

Father & Daughter- 5-26-13

Father & Daughter- 5-26-13