Green Lake Litter Patrol 9-9-12

We had a fabulous litter patrol with so many wonderful volunteers showing up today. Four students from Ingraham High School : Calvin Kolver, Anna Mulia, Fortuna G-Sellassie, Peter Le, thanks so much!!  Lori Lizotte, Gene Counts, Cheri & Peter Kopp, Lian Zhou & her daughter Marguerite, Todd.

Lori found a stash of beers cans that numbered  well over a hundred or more cans. It took 6 or us over twenty minutes to clean up. Fortuna was in the bushes pulling out every single can. She receives the patroller of the week award. Peet’s Coffee and Tea- provided complimentary drinks. – provided the equipment and good cheer!  Please came and join us every Sunday!

Fortuna, Peter, Anna & Calvin

Fortuna, Peter, Anna & Calvin